
Generated Prompts

Your saved prompts will be shown here.

Free Prompt Generator

This prompt generator allows users to input prompt details to generate customized prompts that maximize the potential of LLMs (ChatGPT, Cluade, Llama, etc).

Fill in prompt details

Prompt will be saved to local storage only. Please back up your prompts regularly.

How to use our Prompt Generator

  1. 1. Select your desired prompt type from the options provided.
  2. 2. Fill in the required fields, such as the main prompt or question.
  3. 3. Add any specific conditions or constraints for the AI to follow.
  4. 4. Include examples to guide the AI's response, if needed.
  5. 5. Optionally, provide additional context or instructions in the “Specific Instructions“ field.
  6. 6. Choose whether to save the prompt for future use by checking the “Save this prompt“ box.
  7. 7. Click the “Generate Prompt“ button to create your customized prompt.
  8. 8. Review the generated prompt and make any necessary adjustments.
  9. 9. Copy the final prompt and use it in your preferred AI application.

Our user-friendly interface makes it easy to create effective prompts for various AI tasks, helping you achieve optimal results in your projects.

Saved Prompts

Your saved prompts will be shown here.